A three-part panel series discussing the segmentation and activities in the new space economy. Each panel is 90 minutes followed by a reception.

The Space Economy—An Orientation

Monday, June 19th at 5:30pm (Passed)

Come learn what opportunities are being unlocked in the new space economy. This panel will discuss growth in the industry, technologies shaping the future, challenges with expansion, and where the most business potential lies.

Kevin O'Connell

Founder and CEO at Space Economy Rising, LLC


Wound Clinic, Gonda Vascular Center, Mayo Clinic Rochester

Connie Erlanger

xCo-Founder and CEO,x GoKnown, LLC

Jason Kalirai

xMission Area Executive, Civil Space at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratoryx

Diego Sandoval,

Founder, Cyncrocity

Interested in getting notified about upcoming events?

Email levl5@spacefoundation.org

Near Space—LEO, MEO, and GEO

Tuesday, July 11th at 5:30pm (Passed)

Learn about these orbits of interest and the business operations being conducted in each both now and in the future. 

Matt Chesnut, CEcD

Vice President, Business & Economic Development, Space Florida

Robert S. Katz

CEO & Executive Director, World Innovation Network

Deep Space—The Moon, Mars, and Beyond

Wednesday, August 2nd at 6:00pm

This panel will focus on the future of space exploration—what it is, how it will evolve, and the technologies and industries critical to the long-term success of the industry.

Kevin Laliberte

President, Executive Action Group 

Michael Mealling

xiGeneral Partner,xi xStarbridge Venture Capitalx